AJ Media ⏐ Ecommerce Email Marketing Agency

Full-Service Email Marketing
Agency For E-commerce Brands

Full-Service Email Marketing Agency For E-commerce Brands

We help e-commerce brands grow by increasing profit, customer retention, and LTV through Email & SMS Marketing.

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Email Designs custom to your brand

What Our Clients Have To Say.

How Are We Able To Add $30,000 - $60,000 in Extra Monthly Revenue Without Spending A Single $ On Ads.

How Are We Able To Add $30,000 - $60,000 in Extra Monthly Revenue Without Spending A Single $ On Ads.

Here Are The 6 Money Making Steps We Follow 👇

6 Money Making Steps:

1. Deliverability Detox

First, we make sure your emails avoid the spam folder and land in the primary inbox where they belong. If your subscribers don’t see your emails, they can’t engage or buy. Our proven, best-practice process includes importing and structuring your emails within your ESP for optimal deliverability. By improving your email placement, we boost visibility, open rates, and ultimately, your sales.

Here’s how we ensure top-notch deliverability:

✅ Thorough List Cleaning: We remove inactive and invalid email addresses to maintain a healthy list.
✅ Proper Segmentation: We segment your audience to send targeted, relevant content that keeps engagement high.
✅ Authentication Setup: We configure SPF, DKIM, and DMARC to verify your email’s legitimacy and protect your sender reputation.
✅ Content Optimization: We create compelling, spam-free content that resonates with your audience and passes spam filters.
✅ Regular Monitoring: We constantly monitor your email campaigns, tracking metrics and making adjustments to keep deliverability high.
✅ Feedback Loop Integration: We set up feedback loops with major ISPs to quickly address any issues and maintain a positive sender reputation.

By implementing these steps, we ensure your emails not only reach your subscribers’ inboxes but also engage and convert them effectively.

2. Copywriting Masterclass & Research

In this phase, we dive deep into understanding your customers to craft compelling copy that truly resonates and drives conversions. Our copywriting isn’t just about putting words together—it’s about creating persuasive content that turns readers into loyal customers. We understand that great copy is the backbone of successful email marketing, and we dedicate our efforts to mastering this art for your brand.

Our writers are all native English speakers ensuring alignment in tone of voice to the brand, they are trained specifically to write for DTC 

✅ Customer Research: We thoroughly research your target audience to uncover their pain points, desires, and motivations.
✅ Voice and Tone Development: We tailor your brand’s voice and tone to align with your audience’s preferences and expectations.
✅ Pain Point Identification: By understanding your customers’ challenges, we create copy that addresses their specific needs and offers effective solutions.
✅ Personalized Messaging: We develop personalized and relevant content that speaks directly to each segment of your audience, increasing engagement and conversion rates.
✅ Compelling Storytelling: We craft narratives that captivate your readers, making your emails more engaging and memorable.

Our 5 Elements For Writing an Effective Marketing Message:

Target Customer – Age, gender, location, beliefs, experiences, etc..
Desired Outcome – What do they want? Goal, dreams, expecatations, etc…
The Benefit – Benefit they receive by achieving the desired outcome.
A Pain Point – What thing sucks the most on the process of desired outcome
A Signature Solution – We present your product as the only and best solution for their problems

3. Accelerated Email & SMS List Growth

After our thorough research, we implement effective email and SMS list growth strategies to ensure you get more sign-ups from your existing traffic. Using pop-ups, footers, social media, and other channels, we boost your subscriber count efficiently and effectively.

Here’s how we accelerate your list growth:

✅ Pop-Ups and Footers: Strategically placed pop-ups and footers capture visitor attention and convert them into subscribers.
✅ Social Media Integration: We leverage your social media presence to attract and convert followers into email and SMS subscribers.
✅ Zero-Party Data Collection: Through our pop-ups, we collect valuable zero-party data, such as preferences and interests, directly from your subscribers.
✅ Personalized Welcome Flow: Using the zero-party data, we create personalized welcome flows that engage new subscribers from the start.
✅ Ongoing Campaign Personalization: We use the collected data to tailor ongoing email and SMS campaigns, ensuring content that resonates with your audience.

By growing your list and collecting meaningful data, we help you build a robust, engaged audience.

This leads to higher engagement rates, better customer relationships, and increased conversions, driving substantial growth for your business.

We create high-converting pop-ups that get you more email sign ups from the same amount of traffic

4. Pre & Post-Purchase Flows Implementation & Reconstruction

We implement and reconstruct your existing flows to create a seamless customer journey. Our approach ensures that you have 10-15 personalized pre and post-purchase flows tailored to each customer’s needs and behaviors.

Here’s what we do:

✅ Pre-Purchase Flows: We design engaging pre-purchase flows that nurture leads, address pain points, and guide potential customers towards making a purchase.
✅ Post-Purchase Flows: We create personalized post-purchase flows that enhance customer satisfaction, encourage repeat purchases, and build loyalty.
✅ Flow Reconstruction: We analyze and reconstruct your existing flows to optimize performance and ensure they align with your brand’s goals.
✅ Personalized Experiences: Each flow is tailored to individual customer preferences and behaviors, providing a unique and relevant experience.
✅ Custom Strategy: With 10-15 detailed flows, we cover every stage of the customer journey, from initial interest to repeat purchase and beyond.

Our meticulous implementation and reconstruction of these flows ensure that every interaction is meaningful and drives customer retention and revenue growth.

By personalizing each step, we create a smooth and engaging experience that keeps your customers coming back for more.

Flows that make you money while you sleep.

5. Monthly Campaign Calendar Planning & Execution

We ensure your email campaigns are sent consistently and strategically with our monthly campaign calendar planning and execution. On average, we send three email campaigns per week, adhering to the 80/20 rule: 20% promotional content and 80% engaging and educational content.

Here’s our approach:

✅ Weekly Campaigns: We schedule and send three email campaigns per week to keep your audience engaged and informed.
✅ 80/20 Content Rule: Our campaigns are 20% promotional, driving sales and conversions, and 80% engaging and educational, building trust and loyalty.
✅ Campaign Calendar: We create a detailed campaign calendar featuring proven and tested email ideas and angles designed to maximize revenue from your email list.
✅ Segmentation: We use advanced segmentation to personalize content, ensuring each email resonates with its intended audience.
✅ Unlimited Revisions: If you don’t like an email or need adjustments, we offer unlimited revisions to ensure the final product meets your expectations.

By combining strategic planning with targeted content, we help you get the most out of your email list.

Our approach not only drives sales but also fosters long-term customer relationships, maximizing the value of each subscriber.

Detailed Campaign Calendar with insights into everything.

6. Ongoing A/B Testing, Optimization & Scaling

We are dedicated to constantly testing and improving every aspect of your email marketing to ensure optimal performance and growth. Our approach involves rigorous A/B testing and continuous optimization to keep your campaigns effective and scalable.

Here’s our process:

✅ Constant Testing: We regularly conduct A/B tests on subject lines, content, send times, and other variables to find the most effective strategies.
✅ Data-Driven Optimization: Based on test results, we optimize your email campaigns and flows to enhance engagement and conversion rates.
✅ Implementing Winning Variables: When we identify winning elements in flows, we incorporate them into your campaigns to maximize their effectiveness.
✅ Scaling Strategies: Testing and optimization allow us to scale your email marketing efforts effectively, ensuring sustained growth and high performance.
✅ Comprehensive Improvement: We focus on improving all sectors of your email marketing, from deliverability and design to content and segmentation.

Testing is the only way to scale and ensure your email marketing remains at its best. Our ongoing A/B testing, optimization, and scaling efforts guarantee your campaigns are always improving, delivering the best possible results for your business.

Take it from our successful clients

Case Study #1

£27,092/month -> £43,761/
month in 1 month.

We implemented our new campaign strategy in the first 30 days of working together with this smaller UK brand and managed to add an extra £16,000 revenue from email campaigns by also bumping their revenue per recepient from £0.10 to £0.32.

Case Study #2

$30,000/month -> $920,500/
month in 3 months.

With this brand being ready to scale and starting to focus on acqusition, we needed to make sure the back-end retention is properly installed and everything was optimized. We created a 90-day roadmap and started executing it straight away. We cut down the time between purchases by over 35% for this brand, enabling them to have more profit to fuel the front end and stock.

Case Study #3

£105,900/month -> £486,200/
month in 2 month.

This brand is on track to hit 8 figures in revenue now that their LTV:CAC ratio has shot up, unlocking profitable scale. We found opportunities in the account, grew consistently month on month, and now the business’ revenue is up 89% consistently. By having personalized flows, we managed to make more out of every customer, increasing the revenue per recepient from £0.04 to £0.17.

Case Study #4

$64,200/month ->< $185,658/
month in 3 month.

This brand was on a really good pace of growth this year, but they had to make some cuts in the budget, resulting in the drop of the total revenue. They partnered with us in the middle of May to focus more on retention. This brand went from only having people buy once with their high AOV product line, to having a list of rabid buyers, free of ad costs. Before us, they were sending only couple of campaigns per month, we totally reworked the entire campaign strategy and implement proper segmentation for their type of customers.

What makes us different?

We’re more than just couple of emails per month, we also focus on:

Product Drop Strategy

Planning to launch a new product, flavor, or collection? We've got you covered. Our team excels in meticulously planning, creating, and executing seamless product drops that captivate your audience and drive sales. From conceptualization to launch, we handle every detail to ensure a flawless execution.

Collecting Zero-Party Data

We collect zero-party data through pop-ups, surveys, etc.. – info your customers share willingly, like preferences and feedback. This data lets us personalize and segment emails and SMS, boosting engagement and sales. You'll get direct insights into customer wants, leading to better marketing and stronger relationships.

Improving Customer Retention, AOV & LTV

We’re more than just a few emails per month. Our strategies focus on boosting customer retention, average order value (AOV), and lifetime value (LTV). By creating targeted, engaging campaigns, we ensure your customers keep coming back and spending more.

Strategy Creation for BFCM & Promotions

We create winning strategies for Black Friday, Cyber Monday (BFCM), and other key promotions. Our structured approach includes precise messaging, strategic offers, and compelling content to maximize sales and engagement. With our expertise, your promotions are not just well-planned but highly effective.

We turn old-boring emails into on-brand conversion machines!

Even the best strategy won’t help if your emails aren’t well-structured and optimized for conversion—it’s like preparing for a PR run but forgetting to turn on your tracker—yikes.

That’s why, in addition to providing the best strategy, we create emails that increase value, drive sales, enhance satisfaction, and make your brand stand out from the competition.

Explore our redesign series, where we take a brand’s welcome email and transform it to optimize for higher conversions.

See Our Pricing & Services

Find the package that works the best for you.

One-time / Build & Release Model

Email Flow Build

*Book A Call For Price*
This one-time Email & SMS Flow Build project includes planning, designing, writing, and implementing custom pre- and post-purchase email and SMS flows personalized to your business.
We’ll also create a personalized email strategy focused on retention and optimize your website pop-ups for better lead capture & list growth.
Whether you need a basic flow build with essential flows or an advanced setup with complex, high-volume flows, book a call to determine the best fit.
Your flows will be completed in under 20 days, followed by 30 days of testing and optimization to ensure you’re left with high-performing flows once we left.
Ongoing month-to-month

Full Management

*Book A Call For Price*
Our ongoing, month-to-month Full Management service covers everything related to your email and SMS marketing.
We’ll create personalized strategy, optimize your flows and build new ones, plan & segment campaigns, and redesign website pop-ups to improve lead capture and engagement, start A/B testing and optimizing.
This service is fully customized to your business needs. Book a call with us to discuss your challenges and figure out what to include, so we can tailor the best plan and pricing for you.
We take care of your entire email & SMS channel, so all you have to do is read reports and approve emails we send to you.

BONUS: AI Product Shots & Edits

Custom Service

*Book A Call For Price*
This is a custom service based on what your business needs, book in a call and let’s discuss how can we help.

Most common services requested by brands:
Paid Audit
Email Design Only
AI Product Shots & Edits
Strategy Creation
Custom Email Templates Creation

BONUS: AI Product Shots & Images

For every client engaging in our ongoing monthly management service, we offer a complimentary bonus: AI-generated product shots and images.

These images are created entirely through our AI and Photoshop editing process, eliminating the need to send us a product or arrange a photoshoot.

You retain full rights to every asset we create, allowing you to use them on your website, social media, advertisements, and more.

Book Your Intro Call

On this 15 minute call, we’ll simply discuss your wants & needs, and see if we’re a good
fit to work together and what service is the best for you.

On this 15 minute call, we’ll simply discuss your wants & needs,  and see if we’re a good
fit to work together and what service is the best for you.

Frequently Asked Questions.

Find Answers To Common Queries About Our Services & How We Can Help You.

What services are you offering?

We offer Email & SMS marketing services, which include everything from account set-up, deliverability, pop-up management, automation, campaigns, retention strategist, optimizing customer’s journey, etc..


In case you need an SEO or CRO services, feel free to reach out and we’ll give you a package deal with our partner agency.

Do you offer consulting?

Yes, we do offer consulting. We offer custom consulting & strategy creation based on your needs. Book in a call to see what works for you the best.

Why wouldn’t I just do this in-house?

The main reason is the cost – if you’re paying for a full-time copywriter, designer, strategist, and QA manager – it’s gonna cost you much more than if you’re paying for an agency. Another reason is that the agency is constantly improving and working with other brands in your or similar industries, meaning that we gonna implement things and frameworks that are currently performing the best on the market.

What makes AJ Media different?

We’re more than an agency, we work as an extension of your in-house team and our founder ( Andreas) is involved in day-to-day operations & activities as well as strategy creation. We have a senior team member for every position in our team to ensure you get the best results. Over the last 3 years, we’ve tested an enormous amount of things and generated over $30,000,000 in email revenue – so we have a proven track record of the things that are working the best.

Do you offer free ad account audits?

Yes, our team of experts will personally review and audit your account as well as present you with a custom-tailored strategy plan. While we would hope that you work with us after we present the audit & strategy, the choice is up to you.

How long are your contracts?

We have a one-time service and an ongoing service. For our monthly management, we start with a 3-month minimum contract. Then, it’s rolling month-to-month unless the client wants to extend the contract on a longer time period.

Who qualifies for a collaboration with you?

We help 7 figure to 8 figure eCommerce brands who are looking to get the most out of their’s email & SMS marketing. Even if you’re below that number, you can still work with us, just the price might have make sense for you at that level.

Do I keep all the assets & work you do?

Yes, everything we do, including product images & email designs is 100% yours. We don’t hold any rights to the work we do and the work you pay for.

How fast do you start?

Practically overnight, you’ll be onboarded immediately after the call, and we get straight to work.

What is your track record?

We’ve generated over $40,000,000 in email & SMS revenue and worked with some of the big names in the eCommerce industry. Check out our case study page to see more about how we do things.

What kind of support & communication will I receive?

You will immediately receive your own dedicated slack channel with 24/7 communication. We pride ourselves on communication and support, so seldom will you have to reach out – expect biweekly, monthly, or even daily reports (based on preferences) keeping you in the loop.

What special benefits do your clients receive?

Beyond providing top-tier service and results, our team has extensive connections in the eCommerce world. Whether you are looking to improve creatives, raise VC money, exit your brand, or even get a new agency ad account, we can connect you with the right person.