Case Study 6

How we increase flow revenue by 121% in March 2023!

Flow revenue increase by 121% Niche: Wellness & Fitness


In March 2023, we teamed up with a wellness and fitness brand and saw great results. Their revenue from email flows jumped by 121%, and we grew their email list by 78% with a pop-up that really worked.


Before working with us, the brand had a basic email setup with only a few flows and a couple of emails in each. They weren't sure how to make their email marketing better. They were using Klaviyo’s basic templates without optimizing their emails for better conversion. Without A/B testing & optimizing, they just couldn’t grow

Our Solution

Here's what we did to help:

  • Pre & Post-Purchase Flow strategy: We created 12 personalized pre & post-purchase flow, with around 50-60 emails overall.
  • Personalized content: With conditional splits, we personalized content based on the level of intent & product.
  • A/B testing - this increase wasn’t made overnight, we spent few weeks testing and finding the best time delays, subject lines, email structures, etc..


Our changes led to big improvements:

  • Flow Revenue: It more than doubled, showing that our new email flows were working well.
  • Email List Growth: We got a lot more people signing up, thanks to the new pop-up.

By sending the right messages to the right people, the brand made a lot more money from their emails