Case Study 5

How we increased this brands welcome flow conversion rate from 2.9% to 23.7% in less than 30 days!

CVR from 2.9% to 23,7% in 30 days Niche: Food & Beverage


A food and beverage company had been trying to manage their email marketing on their own. Without the proper knowledge, experience, or time, their results were really bad.


The core issue was an unappealing welcome offer that led to a low conversion rate. Additionally, the email design and copy were poorly made, focusing solely on the offer without promoting the brand's unique qualities

Our Solution

After doing a proper research about their customers & product, we were able to make a real difference:

  • Welcome Offer Revamp: We developed a new welcome offer tailored to the brand’s customer base, in the end, they were saving few $ with new offer while it also improved a conversion rate
  • Email Redesign: Introduced a well-designed and high-converting welcome email that not only presented the offer but also effectively communicated the brand’s unique selling points.
  • Corrected Flow Filters: We adjusted the flow filters to ensure that the welcome email reached all new subscribers, a critical step previously overlooked.


  • Open Rate: Increased dramatically to 64.6%, indicating greater customer interest.
  • Click Rate: Improved to 23.1%, showing enhanced engagement with the email content.

Revenue Growth: The average revenue generated per product ordered climbed significantly, from $3.92K to $5.13K