Case Study 4

How we added an extra $100,000 in email marketing revenue in Q4 compared to previous year’s Q4.

An extra $100,000 in Q4 Niche: Fashion


In the last quarter of 2023, we partnered with a fashion and apparel brand to bolster their sales. Despite cutting back on Facebook ads in 2023 and an overall dip in sales, our strategy led to a $100,000 increase in revenue from email marketing alone, compared to the previous year—an impressive 13% uplift.


Last year, the brand was all in on Facebook ads, yet they lacked a solid plan to turn that traffic into sales. When the big Black Friday/Cyber Monday (BFCM) season hit, they weren’t ready and missed out on significant amount of sales.

Our Solution

At the end of September, we created a 90-day success roadmap.

  • Customer Insights: In October, we rolled out surveys to the subscribers to understand their preferences & collect zero-party data
  • Small-segment testing: In October, we also tested various offers with a small groups to see what was the best performing offer, later on, we used that offer during BFCM
  • BFCM Prep: Armed with data, we crafted the perfect BFCM campaign that resonated with our audience, and by applying the right strategy, we were able to make most out of it.
  • We kept the energy up through December, maintaining engagement and sales momentum through retention & post-purchase strategies


Our focused approach paid off

  • Email Sales Boost: We added an extra $100,000 to their Q4 email sales—a 13% rise from last year's figures.
  • Total Revenue: While the overall sales saw a 29% decrease due to the pause on advertisements, our email strategy still shined, contributing significantly to the revenue pool.

This case study shows that with the right strategy, even without the heavy ad spend, you can still hit key revenue goals through effective email marketing.